April Showers
…ugh. What a predictable title, I know. It’s the worst, but I’m still new to this blogging thing to share my work. I hope you’re willing to cut me a little slack. Moving on…
I drove up to a trail junction just north of town this Sunday and was lucky to catch a burst from a storm cloud about 20 miles to the West. It’s nice to see the colors of spring popping out, and the purple wildflowers in nearly every field remind me of the strong, resilient women in my life. I guess that’s appropriate with Mother’s Day on the horizon.
Speaking of which, I’ll be posting a blog post soon about the Prints I have for sale, any one of which I’m sure your mother, wife, or other maternal entity will LOVE to have adorning their gracefully decorated walls! Just sayin…
Moving to central IL from Oregon a year ago and looking around at the landscape was a little lonely at first. Mountains have always felt like home to me. Not seeing their imposing presence on every horizon was isolating, like I had lost some old friends. With time though I’ve come to appreciate our new home of Normal, IL, Bloomington, BloNo, or whatever else your preferred term is. The skies are enormous, and I couldn’t hope for more dramatic cloud-scapes. Prevailing wind patterns cause storms to break around the northwest corner of town, then the summer sunset ignites the entire view. Once-or-twice-a-year sunset scenes in Oregon are just a plain ol’ summer Tuesday here in Normal. Every time I think I’m getting bored with flying near my home, I get a new view, a new take on a familiar building, a new opportunity to capture some magnificent and humbling weather event, and I’m refreshed. The area is more alive with history than you’d ever know just by looking at it. The community is kind and unassuming for the most part, and to the extent the pandemic has allowed we feel at home. I’ve been lucky as a Drone Photographer to find the opportunities of shot and composition the area offers, and to only be chased with a shovel once.
Then there’s the damn Geese…