Mattoon, IL

It’s been over a year since I’ve updated this blog. Seems hard to believe. It’s been a turbulent time for sure, but through it all my photography has helped keep me sane and optimistic. It keeps my eyes skyward, which keeps my chin up be default!

I’ve been doing a lot of contract work lately which hasn’t left me much time for flying on my own, but I get some time in the air whenever I can. Recently I stopped in a nice little town SE of Bloomington called Mattoon, and was delighted by the natural contrast between the town itself and the surrounding farm land, like a prairie oasis! (and you know I’m always a sucker for natural contrast!)

I put my girl up and took a few shots as the clouds rolled over. It was peaceful, the town seemed kind, and the sky was just the right shade of blue!


Bloomington Rail Yard


April Showers